【文献】インターネット・チャットルームを利用するゲイ・バイセクシュアル男性における「強迫的な性行為」・「内面化されたホモフォビア」・「HIV感染危険性のある性行為」間の関連性について(英語のみ)2008年01月04日 16:59


The Relationship Among Sexual Compulsivity, Internalized Homophobia, and HIV At-Risk Sexual Behavior in Gay and Bisexual Male Users of Internet Chat Rooms.

著者: Dew, Brian J. Chaney, Michael P.

資料: Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity; Oct2005, Vol. 12 Issue 4, p259-273, 15p

抄録: Methods in which gay and bisexual males are developing sexual networks have changed due to the anonymity and accessibility of the Internet. In this article, the relationship among sexual compulsivity, internalized homophobia, and HIV at-risk sexual behavior in non-heterosexual male users of Internet chat rooms is examined. The Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory was used to trichotomize the sample ( n = 513) for comparative purposes. Results from the data analysis indicated that higher levels of internalized homophobia were associated with greater frequency of sexual compulsivity. Increased incidents of sexual compulsivity also were found in bisexual respondents. High-risk sexual behavior was prevalent among participants from both Moderate Sexual Compulsive and Sexual Compulsive groups.

【文献】ゲイ・レズビアンのクライエントとの心理療法において気をつけるべきいくつかの事柄(英語のみ)2007年12月21日 14:58

Some issues in psychotherapy with gay and lesbian clients. 著者: Baron, Judith, West Chester U, Dept of Counseling & Psychological Services, West Chester, PA, US 資料: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, Vol 33(4), Win 1996. pp. 611-616.


Some issues which may arise in psychotherapy with some gay and lesbian clients are the focus of this article. A history of the recent views held by mental health professionals is reviewed. The effects of these views on clients entering psychotherapy is discussed. Examples from the transference and countertransference relationships especially regarding issues of acceptance and affirmation vs. rejection of homosexual object choice as well as the related issue of openness vs. secretiveness are offered. The issue of loss is related to the consolidation of a gay identity with an example. A case study of an example of compulsive sexuality as a defense against depression and anxiety is included. )

【文献】メンタルヘルスならびに身体的健康と性的指向との関係について―オランダの人口調査から―2007年12月20日 21:15

Sexual Orientation and Mental and Physical Health Status: Findings From a Dutch Population Survey. 著者: Sandfort, Theo G. M. Bakker, Floor Vanwesenbeeck, Ine Schellevis, François G. American Journal of Public Health; Jun2006, Vol. 96 Issue 6, p1119-1125,


Objectives. We sought to determine whether sexual orientation is related to mental and physical health and health behaviors in the general population. Methods. Data was derived from a health interview survey that was part of the second Dutch National Survey of General Practice, carried out in 2001 among an all-age random sample of the population. Of the 19,685 persons invited to participate, 65% took part in the survey. Sexual orientation was assessed in persons aged 18 years and older and reported by 98.2% of 9,684 participants. The respondents' characteristics are comparable with those of the Dutch general population. Results. Gay/lesbian participants reported more acute mental health symptoms than heterosexual people and their general mental health also was poorer. Gay/lesbian people more frequently reported acute physical symptoms and chronic conditions than heterosexual people. Differences in smoking, alcohol use, and drug use were less prominent. Conclusions. We found that sexual orientation was associated with mental as well as physical health. The causal processes responsible for these differences by sexual orientation need further exploration.

【文献】LGBの問題に対する、サイコロジストの態度&アプローチの仕方は、引き続き改善傾向にある2007年12月12日 21:51

Psychologists' Attitudes and Therapeutic Approaches Toward Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues Continue To Improve: An Update. 著者: Kilgore, Heath,& Sideman, Lawrence, & Amin, Kiran, Baca, Louise, & Bohanske, Bob, 資料: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, Vol 42(3), Fal 2005. pp. 395-400.



Psychologists' attitudes and approaches toward the gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) lifestyle continue to change, on the basis of results from 437 responding members of the American Psychological Association. Psychologists are more likely to view an active GLB lifestyle-identity as acceptable and non-pathological, more likely to support and provide gay-affirmative therapy, and much less likely to support changing sexual orientation through psychotherapy. Female psychologists are significantly more likely to view a GLB lifestyle as accepting and to provide gay-affirmative therapy to GLB clients compared with their male counterparts. Finally, training opportunities for psychologists involving GLB issues appear to be increasing.

【文献】セクシュアルマイノリティの若者にみられる自殺企図2007年12月12日 21:39

Suicide Attempts Among Sexual-Minority Male Youth. 著者: Savin-Williams, Ritch C., Ream, Geoffrey L. 資料: Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology; Nov2003, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p509-522,



抄録: The purpose of this study was to provide data addressing Diamond's (this issue) 4 problem areas in sexual orientation research by comparing gay, bisexual, and questioning male youth who report attempting suicide with those who do not. Secondary analyses were conducted with 2 datasets, 1 with a gay support group (n = 51) and the other with online youth (n = 681). Reported suicide attempts ranged from 39% among support-group youth, to 25% among Internet gay support group youth, to 9% among Internet non-support group youth. Sexual orientation, behavior, and identity did not predict suicidal attempt status, but suicide attempters experienced higher levels of both generic life stressors (low self-esteem, substance use, victimization) and gay-related stressors, particularly those directly related to visible (femininity) and behavioral (gay sex) aspects of their sexual identity. Support-group attendance was related to higher levels of suicidality and life stressors, as well as certain resiliency factors. Results suggest that there exists a minority of sexual-minority youth who are at risk but that it would be inappropriate to characterize the entire population as such.