【文献】Caregiving and post-caregiving experiences of midlife and older gay men and lesbians(英語のみ)2008年08月30日 19:01

J Gerontol Soc Work. 2006;47(3-4):121-38. Caregiving and post-caregiving experiences of midlife and older gay men and lesbians. Hash K.

PURPOSE: This study examines the experiences of midlife and older gay men and lesbians caring for chronically ill, same-sex partners. This study also accounts for their experiences in "post-caregiving," or the period following the cessation of care. DESIGN AND METHODS: Using a qualitative methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with nineteen gay men and lesbians over 50. RESULTS: Respondents reported similar experiences in caregiving as those in previous studies looking at caregiving for older adult spouses and relatives (including physical and emotional strains). Similarly, respondents experienced loneliness and depression following the loss of the caregiving role. Unique aspects of the experience for gay and lesbian caregivers caring for same-sex partners, however, involved their interactions with formal and informal support persons and services and their long-term planning and decision-making processes. IMPLICATIONS: In light of their experiences, respondents offered their opinions about formal support services and professionals as well as their suggestions for changes that should be made to these as well as larger systems. Their suggestions and experiences guided the implications offered for health and human services.

PMID: 17062526 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

【文献】中年期・老年期のゲイ・レズビアンにみられる意思決定と長期的人生設計(英語のみ)2008年08月30日 18:53

J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care. 2007;3(2):59-77. Long-term planning and decision-making among midlife and older gay men and lesbians. Hash KM, Netting FE.

This article examines the issues of long-term planning and decision-making among midlife and older gay men and lesbian caregivers. Using a qualitative methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with 19 gay men and lesbians over 50. Participants reported on their long-term planning and decision-making processes. All but four persons reported that their partners had advance directives, but the majority of caregivers did not have advance directives for themselves. Concerns about informal family dynamics and interactions with formal systems were expressed, along with financial and ownership issues. It is important for social workers to intervene across individual, organizational, and community levels in advocacy for the needs of older gay men and lesbian clients.

PMID: 18069623 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

【文献】沈黙した声と見えない壁:レズビアン・ゲイの終末期ケアを考える(英語のみ)2008年08月30日 18:35

J Psychosoc Oncol. 2006;24(1):51-64. Silent voices and invisible walls: exploring end of life care with lesbians and gay men. Smolinski KM, Colón Y.

The needs and desires of lesbians and gay men with cancer at the end of their lives are not fundamentally different from any other dying individual's needs. There are, however, significant legal restrictions and societal attitudes that can negatively affect the dying experiences of lesbians and gay men. Lesbians and gay men face many challenges at the end of their lives, including issues of disclosure in the healthcare setting, discrimination, misconceptions, legal and financial barriers and the disenfranchised grief of surviving same-sex partners. Oncology social workers can play a prominent role in advocating for these individuals to allow for dignity and support in spite of these barriers and provide effective interventions to help in assisting lesbians and gaymen with healthcare decision-making and end-of-life care planning.

PMID: 16803752 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

【文献】終末期ケアおよび延命治療に対するゲイ・レズビアンの態度(英語のみ)2008年08月30日 18:27

J Palliat Med. 2001 Summer;4(2):173-90. Attitudes on end-of-life care and advance care planning in the lesbian and gay community. Stein GL, Bonuck KA.

Gay men and lesbians have special interests in documenting their preferences regarding advance care planning and end-of-life care. A 64-item survey instrument was developed to ascertain the preferences of this community regarding approaches to end-of-life care, viewpoints on physician-assisted suicide (PAS) and euthanasia, and practices regarding advance care planning. The survey was completed by 575 participants recruited through community-based health care and social service organizations serving the lesbian and gay community, primarily in the New York metropolitan area. Respondents represent a diverse group of women (36%) and men (63%) from various age, racial/ethnic, and religious/spiritual backgrounds; 10% were human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive. Respondents' perspectives on end-of-life care are generally consistent with findings from other attitudinal studies of U.S. adults: a majority supported legalization of PAS and preferred a palliative approach to end-of-life care. However, the gay community sample revealed even stronger support for assisted suicide and palliative care. Although respondents completed advance directives at a higher rate than adults generally, the legal importance for gay men and lesbians to execute directives should encourage health care providers and community organizations to assume a larger educational role on advance care planning. Results confirm other reports on the need to address provider communication skills. It is speculated that the HIV epidemic was a major influence behind these results because of the overwhelming personal impact of the epidemic on most gay men and lesbians during the past two decades.

PMID: 11441626 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

LGBTの子どもたちを支援するプロジェクト(案)2008年06月09日 00:49






■「LGBTティーンズ・ネットワーク」の支援者サイドは、毎月決まった曜日・時間帯・決まった場所で、LGBTIQの子どもたちが集まれるグループを開催・運営する。(最初は、東京・大阪の二箇所ぐらいだけになるか?) 孤立しているであろうLGBTIQの子どもたちが互いに知り合い仲良くなれる場、自らの思いを語り共有できる場、支援者サイドからの的確な情報・知識・サポートが得られる場、を定期開催する。 
■グループでの集まりにおいては、「ピア・サポート環境」を維持すると同時に、何回かに一回は、「大人」社会側のヘテロセクシュアルの人(で理解のある人)にスピーカーとして来てもらい・話をしてもらう回をつくる。 (1)例えば、既に受け入れた段階にある「親」に来てもらい、親の体験談を語ってもらう。→それによって、参加者当事者の子どもたちが親にカミングアウトするきっかけを生み出すかもしれぬ。→そうしたら、さらにその親にも、その後の回では、(可能なら)集まりに来てもらったらよい。 (2)任意の養護教諭(保健室の先生)に来てもらい、「保健室はこんなところで、保健室の先生はこんなことをしている、気軽にセクシュアリティのことでも話に来てもらったらよい」というようなポジティブなメッセージを話してもらう。→それにより、参加者当事者の子どもたちが自分自身の学校の保健室に行きそこの養護教諭にカミングアウトするかもしれない。→そうしたら、可能であるならその養護教諭にその後の集まりに来てもらい、その体験談を話してもらえるとよいだろう。 (3)養護教諭に限らず、普通の担任を持っているような教員にも来てもらえるとよいかもしれない。受け持った生徒にLGBTIQがいてカミングアウトされ受け入れた体験を持つ教員が見つかるとよいが。 (4)同様のスピーカーとして、スクールカウンセラーも考えられる。 (5)さらには、LGBTIQの子どもたちが、ヘテロセクシュアルの友人たちにカミングアウトして(その友人たちが好意的な関心を持ってくれているなら)、その友人たちにも集まりに来てもらったらよい。 (※グループの集まりには、大学生年代の当事者にもスタッフとして進行役などに関わってもらうとよいかもしれない。自分のセクシュアリティについては、「悩んだ」時期を通り過ぎて、受け入れている段階の大学生年代の人たちに。(無論、大学生年代の当事者で、まだ「支援される」ことを必要とする当事者の人々もいるだろうが。) 世代が近く話題も合い親近感を抱きやすく、また、ロールモデルの役割も果たすことが期待される。)





