【文献】インターネット・チャットルームを利用するゲイ・バイセクシュアル男性における「強迫的な性行為」・「内面化されたホモフォビア」・「HIV感染危険性のある性行為」間の関連性について(英語のみ)2008年01月04日 16:59


The Relationship Among Sexual Compulsivity, Internalized Homophobia, and HIV At-Risk Sexual Behavior in Gay and Bisexual Male Users of Internet Chat Rooms.

著者: Dew, Brian J. Chaney, Michael P.

資料: Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity; Oct2005, Vol. 12 Issue 4, p259-273, 15p

抄録: Methods in which gay and bisexual males are developing sexual networks have changed due to the anonymity and accessibility of the Internet. In this article, the relationship among sexual compulsivity, internalized homophobia, and HIV at-risk sexual behavior in non-heterosexual male users of Internet chat rooms is examined. The Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory was used to trichotomize the sample ( n = 513) for comparative purposes. Results from the data analysis indicated that higher levels of internalized homophobia were associated with greater frequency of sexual compulsivity. Increased incidents of sexual compulsivity also were found in bisexual respondents. High-risk sexual behavior was prevalent among participants from both Moderate Sexual Compulsive and Sexual Compulsive groups.