【文献】同性カップル関係におけるマイノリティストレス体験について2007年12月12日 03:24

Minority stress experiences in committed same-sex couple relationships. Rostosky, Sharon Scales; Riggle, Ellen D. B.; Gray, Barry E.; Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol 38(4), Aug 2007. pp. 392-400.



Providing culturally competent services to same-sex couples requires an understanding of the social context in which these relationships are formed and maintained. Using minority stress theory (I. H. Meyer, 2003) as an interpretive framework, the authors conducted a dyadic-level qualitative analysis of 40 (20 female; 20 male) couples' conversations about their committed partnerships. Findings indicate that couples experience minority stress as they interact with their family members, coworkers, and communities. In response to stressors, couples use coping strategies that include reframing negative experiences, concealing their relationship, creating social support, and affirming self and partnership. Recommendations for practitioners based on these findings include assessing minority stress, facilitating coping, and taking a critical stance toward policies that perpetuate social stigma and chronic stress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved)(from the journal abstract)

【文献】セクシュアルマイノリティの人たちはメンタルヘルスサービスへアクセスしやすいか2007年12月12日 03:53

Mental health services access for sexual minority individuals. Owens, Gina P.; Riggle, Ellen D. B.; Rostosky, Sharon Scales; Sexuality Research & Social Policy: A Journal of the NSRC, Vol 4(3), Sep 2007. pp. 92-99.


■インターネットを使った調査です。メンタルヘルスサービスの利用率に影響を与える要因について、および、LGBTアファーマティブな医療機関に心当たりがあるかどうかについて、調べてみました。 226名の回答者のうち、18%の回答者が医療費をカバーする保険に入っていないと答え、24%が過去一年間に治療の必要性を感じるようなメンタルヘルス上の問題を経験したが治療を求めることはしなかったと答えた、とのことです。重回帰分析の結果、回答者がメンタルヘルス的な治療を求めるかどうかに関連する要因として、以下の諸要因が明らかになりました。すなわち、「ジェンダー」、「抑うつ」、「内面化されたホモフォビア」、「医療に対する不信」、「LGBTアファーマティブな医療機関の心当たりがあるかどうか」、です。これらの結果から、社会的方策&教育的方策に対して提言を行なうことが考えられるでしょう。

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) individuals report lower levels of positive mental health than the general population and thus have a need for appropriate mental health services. The authors conducted an online survey to assess factors associated with the use of such services and the perceived availability of GLBT-affirmative providers. Of the 226 respondents, 18% reported that they had no insurance coverage; 24% of participants in the sample reported experiencing a mental health concern in the past year for which they felt they needed but did not seek treatment. Logistic regression analyses indicated that gender, depression, internalized homophobia, medical mistrust, and whether the individual had a choice of affirmative provider predicted the likelihood of participants seeking mental health treatment in the past year. This article discusses social and educational policy implications of these findings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved)(from the journal abstract)

【文献】児童性虐待のサバイバーであり、かつHIV/AIDSを抱えるゲイ男性のための短期集団療法のモデル2007年12月12日 04:20

A short-term group treatment model for gay male survivors of childhood sexual abuse living with HIV/AIDS. Masten, James; Kochman, Arlene; Hansen, Nathan B.; International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Vol 57(4), Oct 2007. pp. 475-496.



HIV-positive gay male survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) face three layers of trauma: childhood abuse, homophobic oppression, and HIV/AIDS. Additionally, CSA has been shown to increase HIV risk behavior among gay men, and the trauma of HIV infection often parallels the experience of CSA. Effective coping strategies are particularly important for people living with HIV/AIDS in order to adapt to physical, psychological, and social implications of infection. However, coping strategies once adaptive in the context of CSA may become maladaptive in adulthood. Interventions are needed that enhance coping and address CSA for survivors living with HIV/AIDS to protect their own health and to prevent new transmissions. This article presents a group model found to be efficacious for treating gay male survivors of CSA living with HIV/AIDS. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved)(from the journal abstract)

【文献】セクシュアルマイノリティの若者にみられる自殺企図2007年12月12日 21:39

Suicide Attempts Among Sexual-Minority Male Youth. 著者: Savin-Williams, Ritch C., Ream, Geoffrey L. 資料: Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology; Nov2003, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p509-522,



抄録: The purpose of this study was to provide data addressing Diamond's (this issue) 4 problem areas in sexual orientation research by comparing gay, bisexual, and questioning male youth who report attempting suicide with those who do not. Secondary analyses were conducted with 2 datasets, 1 with a gay support group (n = 51) and the other with online youth (n = 681). Reported suicide attempts ranged from 39% among support-group youth, to 25% among Internet gay support group youth, to 9% among Internet non-support group youth. Sexual orientation, behavior, and identity did not predict suicidal attempt status, but suicide attempters experienced higher levels of both generic life stressors (low self-esteem, substance use, victimization) and gay-related stressors, particularly those directly related to visible (femininity) and behavioral (gay sex) aspects of their sexual identity. Support-group attendance was related to higher levels of suicidality and life stressors, as well as certain resiliency factors. Results suggest that there exists a minority of sexual-minority youth who are at risk but that it would be inappropriate to characterize the entire population as such.

【文献】LGBの問題に対する、サイコロジストの態度&アプローチの仕方は、引き続き改善傾向にある2007年12月12日 21:51

Psychologists' Attitudes and Therapeutic Approaches Toward Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues Continue To Improve: An Update. 著者: Kilgore, Heath,& Sideman, Lawrence, & Amin, Kiran, Baca, Louise, & Bohanske, Bob, 資料: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, Vol 42(3), Fal 2005. pp. 395-400.



Psychologists' attitudes and approaches toward the gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) lifestyle continue to change, on the basis of results from 437 responding members of the American Psychological Association. Psychologists are more likely to view an active GLB lifestyle-identity as acceptable and non-pathological, more likely to support and provide gay-affirmative therapy, and much less likely to support changing sexual orientation through psychotherapy. Female psychologists are significantly more likely to view a GLB lifestyle as accepting and to provide gay-affirmative therapy to GLB clients compared with their male counterparts. Finally, training opportunities for psychologists involving GLB issues appear to be increasing.